Friday 11 February 2011

Ghost Stories

Last night seven of us managed to organise ourselves into going to the theatre to see 'Ghost Stories' at the Duke of York theatre. I say 'theatre' but I wasn't sure exactly what to expect: a play? Some kind of lecture with stunts? All I know is, my patience is limited and with the majority of plays, I look forward to the interval and am comforted when it comes with the thought that the second half is shorter than the first.

This was 80 minutes with no interval so the spell they cast with the story, light and sound effects remained unbroken. And for me, the spell worked - I forgot all about the outside world. Highly recommended! Probably not for theatre snobs, but for anyone who enjoys X-Files type TV shows like me, it is a brilliant night out.

Tip - sit in the stalls

For some strange reason I had my rocket air blower (part of camera cleaning equipment) in my bag, and when I realised I was sitting behind a girl who not only believed in ghosts but believed she had had a supernatural experience, never before have I been so tempted to do a bad thing.