Thursday, 21 January 2010

Thinking long-term - the "Warm Bodies" lesson

Today, people are Tweeting about this video:

So why are they Tweeting now when it was uploaded 13 December 2008?

To find the answer, I peeped under the skirts of this video, in the 'statistics and data' tab on YouTube, here's what I found:

As you can see, most of the views happened in the past couple of days, because people are blogging about this book being made into a film. Important people.

So the lesson to budding book-trailer making people is...
a) don't be disheartened if you don't get lots of views at first
b) bear in mind that once it's up on YouTube, it's public property forever
c) you never know, artist's impressions of your book may be helping filmmakers visualise how well your book would translate into a film - which has to be good, right?

That's a new angle I didn't think of. Hurrah for book trailers!

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